Wizard Creations is a proud supporter of the following local and national charities. Over the year we give back thousands of dollars in both monetary and in-kind donations. To learn more about how you too can help these wonderful organizations, please click on their logo below to be directed to their individual website.
The Wiz Kids Foundation is in the process of being set up as a 501(c) Non-Profit organization. The goal of the foundation will be to directly raise money to local and national programs enhancing the lives of children. In addition to monetary donations, Wiz Kids will also supply under privileged youths with branded school t-shirts and accessories. Many inner-city schools do not have access to the funding for school uniforms and spirit items, so Wiz Kids will be a platform to help raise money and bridge this gap. We hope to have the Freeman Family Foundation approved as a 501(c) in mid to late 2013.
The Freeman Family Foundation is in the process of being set up as a 501(c) Non-Profit organization. The goal of the foundation will be to raise money to distribute to Non-Profit organizations in need throughout the country. Unlike the Wiz Kids Foundation which will focus on bettering the lives of children, The Freeman Family Foundation will not have a tie to one single cause or service. The idea here is that we do not want to limit our charity involvement and that is why we are creating both foundations. We hope to have the Freeman Family Foundation approved as a 501(c) in mid to late 2013.