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Other companies claim to have a presence overseas, but we actually have factories on the ground in which we produce millions of products every year. Our trained sourcing staff has a combined experience of over 50 years producing and shipping custom promotional products straight from the Orient to the USA.

WIZARD only produces the highest quality products through our factories overseas. We also work with factories that have the tightest labor laws in the industry. We are a proud American company through and through, but with the ever-changing global marketplace at our fingertips we offer our WIZARD China direct service to save pricing for our larger clients BULK orders and CUT OUT THE MIDDLE MAN!

Please note that approximate production times and shipping times are increased. Standard overseas orders take anywhere from 25-90 days for completion (including ocean ship).

For more information on our Wizard China Direct Services please call us direct at 888.217.4084 or email us at

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